Tuesday, December 3

Pumpkin Soup

So... in my quest to eat healthy food, I have realised that (or rather my homeopath made me realise) soups are a good thing to add to my diet. 

Now I don't like the regular soups. If I am going to have soup, I better have interesting soups. I am thinking more along the lines of broth or clear soups with loads of vegetables and meat. Something that I can have as an entire meal. I am not about to go sit through my entire evening cooking a three or even a two course meal. What I am also trying to do is get a little bit of prep done so that on the next couple of days I don't have a lot to do.

So the other day I baked a pineapple upside down cake. No, I am not going to put up the recipe because, it's not my recipe. (As the oven was on already, after baking the cake I roasted pumpkins and cauliflower - separately). Not that the recipes I put up here are completely my original. I love food and have been looking up recipes for things to make for ages. I love cook books and cooking shows. My earliest memory of a cooking show is of Yan Can Cook where Yan chopped up a cucumber at the speed of lightning. I remember being in absolute awe!

My cooking process is as follows:

  • I either think of an ingredient or a style of cooking and start thinking of what it would taste like.
  • Then, I look up different recipes online (remember the goal is always to make it simple).
  • Now obviously, I live in India and we don't always get t
    he ingredients we want (the obvious part would be me not getting the ingredients). I even had to find a substitute for sour cream. So now you know.
  • Then I make changes, try and make the recipe more simple and make it at home.
  • So these are the recipes that are going to be posted on this blog.
  • Or else there will only be pics of things I made
So coming to pumpkin soup, when I was thinking of something substantial I thought of pumpkin soup. And this is how you do it people...

We need
  • Pumpkin (chopped), quantity depends on the number of people. So for two big bowls of this teaming hot soup, I decided that I would use about 500 gms of pumpkin (without the seeds and stuff)
  • Onion - one small peeled and quartered
  • Garlic - just a few cloves whole
  • Olive oil (depending how much oil you wanna put) - I put about 2 tablespoons of it
  • And cracked pepper and salt ( try sea salt, its cheap and definitely brings something different to the table.
For the soup, I took the washed and chopped pumpkins, onion and garlic and put them on a baking tray. I drizzled the olive oil and salt all over them. I baked it in my oven for about 45 minutes on 220 C. Actually the oven time completely depends on your oven. If you look up online a lot of chefs roast the veggies on that temperature. I kept the pumpkins in the oven till I felt they were cooked through. This can easily be done a day ahead. Something I mentioned earlier.

Once the pumpkins cooled down, I put them in the blender (along with the onion and the garlic) and blended away. In Indian households we generally don't have stock and so its okay to put in just plain old water. The pumpkins and the onion and garlic have great flavour in them.

I then put the pureed pumpkin mixture in a thick bottomed sauce pan (and this is because I am clumsy and I don't want to burn the damn thing). I brought the mixture to a boil, let it simmer for about 5 minutes and it was ready to eat. Now, you can add more water if you think its too thick, but remember to cook it through every time you add water (I just make sure that it boils). The consistency should not be too watery.

And that's that. You can serve the soup hot hot, with perhaps garlic bread. I think that would be a great meal on its own!

Monday, December 2

Figs and honey

I love fruits and honestly do not understand the kind of people who don't. I mean fruits are awesome and everyone should love them.

Figs happen to be my favourite fruit this tme of the year. I love how they can be such a substantial addition to any kind of meal. I absolutely love them in my salads. They make my salads absolutely delicious. P is loving hung curd these days. We don't get Greek yogurt here and this is his substitute for it. Apparently hanging the curd in a muslin cloth helps in getting rid of a lot of fats and what is left is yummy rich and creamy goodness. I use hung curd for dips all the time. So I decided to use it for something sweet. I also happen to love honey. And curd and honey is an excellent dessert. Healthy too I might add.

So to give it that extra oomph what to I do, add figs in the mix and I get my awesome breakfast on the run!

So it you are interested in the recipe, all you need is

  • A couple of ripe figs
  • Hung curd, about 2 tablespoons
  • And honey... as much as you want
Just put all of them together and that is a great breakfast to have

Tuesday, November 26

Chicken Salad...

The idea of this blog seems to be evolving very fast in my head. So... I plan to experiment... a lot!

The ultimate goal is to find a comfortable space where I get to express myself in as many possible ways. So today I thought of this... A recipe along with general musings....

I am trying to eat as healthy as possible.. but, there is no plan yet. At the moment, the meals are more like spur of the moment. I look into the fridge (read scavenge) and then based on what is available I make something or pretend to be unwell and make P cook something.Anyways, I hope to be organised enough one day to be able to plan a week's menu ahead and go grocery shopping accordingly.

So today's dinner was a simple salad, with absolutely no dressing, the chicken's juices were enough to coat the baby salad leaves mix with salty flavour. Just added a few sweet cherry tomatoes with raw walnuts and olives, and it was perfect.

I love the pic!

Sunday, November 24

Into the night...

The week has passed and I feel like I need a break to get over this week. The last four days have been long, but they have been a lot of fun. Need a good night sleep and yet sleep eludes me.

I love this spot in my home, a lovely corner by the window and a plush recliner to relax on. As I relax thoughts flit about and writing comes naturally to me. I have a feeling... this space is going to have a great impact on my future memories.

As I sit tonight, noises from the apartment diagonally across our home come floating in. People are laughing and are having a good time I think. Makes me remember my friends. Is that a smile I feel on my face, yes... that's definitely a smile.

I want to say hey, to my friends, those who read or don't read my blog. Just know that I am thinking of all you guys. And you are so many! I am what I am today because a lot of you have impacted my life. In ways you may not even have imagined.

I am thankful... that I have all of you with me, beside me and more than anything else, I am thankful that you accept me for who I am...

Lots of love!

Thursday, November 21

A green tea break

So... here I am, back to square one, trying to figure out life and where I intend to go from here. I don't say that the last two years were not worth it... in fact not at all. I have loved teaching, had a lot of fun! But more than the job giving me professional satisfaction, it gave me stability in my personal life. Our marriage had a shaky start especially because I was not working. It was the other end of the spectrum for me, moving away, new place and new people. Don't want to go into that because that's another story altogether. The job gave me a sense of being worth something. Knowing that, yes, people can hire me and I can contribute to an organisation and get paid well for it.

Being 30 and not knowing where life is headed is kind of scary. And I realise that it is very easy at this phase for me to get paralysed with fear. I have a lot of questions... Will I be able to contribute financially to our home? Will I be able to find something that I like? What if the next thing I take up also ends up being what I don't wan to do in life or something that I am not ready for yet? But the scariest question being what if I never figure out what I want to do in life?!?!?!

All pertinent questions and all of them are right there.... hanging.... nope suspended.... above my head, waiting to crash all over my head! I can see them even now.

But! (And thank God! for the but!) I refuse to get bogged down. I know why these questions are there... suspended.... above my head.... Its because that is what we have seen our parents do! Get a job, stick to that job and build a life for themselves. Sometimes they end up in love with their job and at times it remains that... a job.

I don't want that. I don't want to take that chance. 

This brings me to the second social conditioning... if you change so many jobs what will you end up as. And in my case its not just companies that I have changed... but with every company I have chosen a different profession... Jack of all trades and master of none. So where do you go...

No, I don't prescribe to the idea that I was meant to do one thing and one thing only! I want to try different things in life. There are so many avenues and I would like to take them all, may be not all... but as many as I possibly can. 
I want to write, cook good food, click beautiful pictures and travel the world... so many things that need to be done.

Perhaps this is what I should do... welcome the new lease in my life... I am excited, I want to see where I go from here... Where will I be a year from now! 

I am going to stop for life to happen to me, I need to make me happen to life!

Wednesday, November 6

The return...

Its been tooooooooooo long...

But it is time I take up writing again... Have to figure out what to do next and I think writing is the key!