Tuesday, September 6


Again... I did it again....

No matter how hard I try, it's difficult to post regular entries on my blog. I spent a better part of my afternoon wondering as to why it takes so much for me to sit down and post something in this space.

The more I think about it, the more it seems incomprehensible to me... this space is my space! my safe haven... I am allowed to say want I want, feel what I want and there are no questions asked. Then why is it that I find it so difficult to find my voice?
Is it really that I have nothing to say? It's scary to think that I have nothing to say...

I don't think I want to be a person who disappears into the crowd... a person who does not matter, I want to matter and when I say, I want to matter... it's not about being important for other people... I think what matters to me the most is to be important for my own self!

Meeting my own expectations of the kind of person I should be has become very difficult. I struggle everyday of my life and I think i do so even more than I did ever before... Feel like I can be a better person only in flashes and for the rest of the time I only struggle... I guess all I can do at this time is document this struggle and patiently wait for the flash of brilliance...