Saturday, August 18

Out and about...

I love the impromptu trips my family takes.... though this one wasnt so impromptu.. after atleast two failed attempts at getting up on a early sunday morning, we finally made this trip happen!!!

Sunday, August 12

For you, With Love...

How is it so easy for a person to exist for a moment and then just stop existing the next?

Yes they stay on in our memories for ever but how do you comprehend the loss of a near one, who was there a moment ago and now is no longer with you?

How are you suppose to react when it comes at you like a bolt from the blue, from behind when you least expected?

How do you justify the loss of someone who has died so young?

When does it hit you and when does it sink in?

Monday, August 6

Up in smoke...

Last night I had a dream. And in the dream I smoked a Cigar (It was a very bizarre dream and I don’t remember any of the particulars)

What is it about them that makes people want to blow up their life in smoke???


I know I was curious about cigarettes as a child. I loved watching the men puffing out smoke. It somehow felt like a very grownup thing to do. But as I grew up, fascination turned into disgust. I did once in a very stupid state of mind take a puff. And my friend A’s reaction said it all. After that I pretty much felt like kicking myself. I, who finds it difficult to stand in close vicinity to a person who has just smoked, actually smoked.

It is said that anything in moderation is okay, but the thing with cigarettes is, there is no moderation. It eventually turns out to be an addiction, no matter what one tries to do. And it’s only when things start to get out of hand, people realize the folly of their actions.

N yes!!! I do know that it’s a personal choice. What I do not agree with - is smoking in a public area. No one can disregard someone else’s life! There are some who even subject their unsuspecting families to passive smoking.

I have friends who smoke and there is nothing one can do or say to make them give up smoking, unless realization hits them like a speeding truck!

N there are those who argue that –“Who wants to live a long boring life?”

Well don’t you want to live a “healthy and fit life” even if it is short?

I don’t know what my dream represents – but I am sure it’s not some unconscious yearning for the unknown. And it’s not like I hope to achieve some noble cause by expressing my confusion. I only hope to clear it by maybe jotting down my thoughts.

Thursday, August 2