Friday, July 24

As random as it gets...

A lot has happened since my last post... So here is a list of stuff that has happened. I don't know why but I felt like it was important for me to record them for no reason other than to be able to remember...

Shelby turned 8 months old yesterday, and it's been a roller-coaster ride. The first two month of having her were insane, I just did not know how to handle a hyper active puppy... She would nip, scratch me, get angry and start barking if I yelled at her... There have been times when I just broke down out of sheer exhaustion and confusion as to what to do. At the same time she has changed the way I look at life, P n I absolutely cannot imagine our lives with out her. She has so much love to give and is the basis for the kind of person I want to be. One unintentional thing that has happened is that we have connected with a  number of dog lovers in our society. In the nine months that we lived here we did not meet as many people as many as we have met ever since we got Shelby home. It's been absolutely wonderful.

P and I attended three weddings in three months! We went to Indore, Chandigarh and Mangalore. Three different cities, three culturally different ceremonies and three amazingly awesome cuisines! And also three different sets of friends... It was awesome!!! I got to dress up, we ate mountains of delicious food and also managed a little bit of sightseeing in whatever little time we had. These weddings also made me realise, that it does not matter how different the ceremonies were, the fun and the frolic, the stress, dealing with annoying relatives its all a part and parcel of the ceremony. N it is such a bitter sweet experience for every one involved... Like a slice of life :P

I have finally figured out what I need to be focusing on career wise. I wanted to get into the field of psychology but was tentative as I was unsure of how to go about it and most importantly if it was something I could be good at. I have been mediocre in most things in life and in the last few years it has become important for me to figure out what it is that I am good at. I don't want to go through life feeling that I haven't accomplished anything. Last year I looked at a couple of courses that I could do and one attracted me the most. But it was already to late to apply. So I decided to wait for the next batch and till then take life as it came. Joining this course has been one of the best decisions I made. I love the subject, I understand the complexity of it and best of all I know that there is a lot for me to learn and I don't take the learning for granted. But, I can see myself doing this for a living. Having a practice, being a counselor and helping people live a better life on their own terms! Because it's always been my motto to live life like that. I always knew that I wanted a profession that would require me to be a better person each day, I did not know how to go about it, but it was something that drove me right from the time I graduated from my MBA. I cannot believe that my journey has been this long... and winding. I have no clue how  I landed here, but I am glad that I did! I know it is just the beginning and that I have along way to go, I will have to do another Masters course! And that is just insane... But here I am... At the starting line again and looking forward to it. Just realised... fountainhead is once again such an apt title for my blog!