Friday, July 21


I am angry... Angry at myself and angry at what the world has come to today. I hate reading news, hate being on facebook, hate watching mindless television. All around me I see thoughts and ideas that are beyond any comprehension.

Whatever happened to just being nice.... I thought growing up the biggest lesson to learn was to be a good human being. Don't parents still teach their children that, 'the most important thing is to be a good person when you grow up'. And all I see is anger, hatred, small mindedness, irrationality from grown ups! What kind of behaviour are we modeling for our children and what kind of a legacy are we leaving behind?

People love flaunting their opinions and today anyone has a platform to voice their thoughts to the whole world... which is great in someways, but when people use this platform to 'shout' their misconceptions, flaunt their flawed ideas of what people are like.... Who gets to stop them? I read all the filth that is out there and I want to reply, but then I shy away thinking what if the person turns on me? How will I be able to handle all that negativity if it is directed at me... And I admit I am scared, but I am also angry at how I don't have a thick skin to take on the big bad world. 

I was bullied when I was a child... Just that I did not realise until a lot later that I was bullied. It scarred me for life I think and here I stand today still scared of bullies and I really don't know how to stand up to them. So, here I am posting on a blog that no one really reads... hoping to let go of some of the anger that I feel, hoping that the fear will be replaced by a little bit of courage (although I have no clue how). 

Still hoping for a better world....