Thursday, May 19

Good good day....

I am feeling good today... I ended up taking a really long break! The problem is once there is a break it is difficult to start again... So I decided to bite the bullet and start running. 

I used a different app today because the other one we were using is available only on Apple devices... So I decided to use couch to 10k app today. It started off fine. Today I had to run for 90 seconds and walk 2 minutes for a total of 30 minutes. The first two rounds went fine... N then I started to huff and puff. That's when I realised that I was breathing with my mouth. I remembered that P says breathe in every 3 steps and breathe out every three steps... After that I did fine... In the third round of running/ jogging, the back of my legs, the area between the calf and the ankle started hurting... And I know there is nothing I can do about it except making sure that I have a good warm up and cool down routine. After I finished the run I met a friend and his dog... so sat down and talked to them for a few minutes before heading home... 

Listening to music helps me when I am running and also I realised it puts me in a really good mood... I came back home happy and energetic... I had energy to run around the table and play with Shelby, something I had stopped doing altogether in the last few days. Felt good to spend time with her... I also danced a bit with her.... It felt good to have that energy. For breakfast I decided to have boiled eggs and mango shake... but the mango shake was so heavy that I could not eat the eggs. Planning to have an egg salad for lunch... I think I will blog my recipe :D

So yeah... here's to a good day!

Monday, May 2

August... Here I Come...

So thought of an update with regards to my journey on being a fitter healthier person... I realised that I don't do very well without a concrete goal in mind and a lot of motivation. Unfortunately for me, my motivation for exercising does not come from within, it is all extrinsic. I need people in my life to motivate me... N mind you I am not talking about the negative kind of motivation, that just puts me down. It has to be the supportive, understanding kind. Yes, I know it is a lot to ask... from anyone really. Cause I can get quite nasty when I feel I am being pushed in to a corner or when I think I am not getting the kind of support that I need.

Anyways, so for the concrete goal, I chose (actually not just me, but it's a friend, her hubby n my hubby too) to run a 10K in August. So this friend of mine... M n I are training with the help of an App. I don't know the name of the App right now. Will look it up and post it here. And the good news is that we are on week 2. Though I must say, today was killing! I have no idea how I completed the training. I think I was dying little by little. My breathing definitely needs to improve for me to do better. In comparision week 1 seems easy... I feel good though.

Now the main problem that I am facing is that I am at home all day long and I cannot help but snack. And I don't just snack... I eat unhealthy stuff. Today was really bad in that department. But I also know the problem. I did not have breakfast today. And I was really hungry by 10:30. I ended up having my lunch at the time. And from then on I kept eating what ever I could find Its 6:45 pm right now and I feel like throwing up. I ate too much. I think I am also realising that sugar isn't great for me. I eat sugary stuff and then an hour later I feel nauseated and I feel very heavy. It is not a good feeling at all. I need to ensure that I have more fruits at home on a daily basis and most importantly have a decent breakfast on time every morning in order to set the right tone for the rest of the day.

The other thing I thought I needed for this plan to work for me is to have some sort of an external support system (seriously aren't I enough???). But I realise that I cannot always count on others to be there for me. Although I have to say that M is a great support, she and I have been struggling with our weight for  sometime now and for different reasons. But she is there whole heartedly for me and I hope to be a similar support system for her. We motivate each other. Apart from her, I need to work on motivating myself and being there for myself. I don't think anyone else can be there for me as much as I can for myself. What do you think?