Monday, May 2

August... Here I Come...

So thought of an update with regards to my journey on being a fitter healthier person... I realised that I don't do very well without a concrete goal in mind and a lot of motivation. Unfortunately for me, my motivation for exercising does not come from within, it is all extrinsic. I need people in my life to motivate me... N mind you I am not talking about the negative kind of motivation, that just puts me down. It has to be the supportive, understanding kind. Yes, I know it is a lot to ask... from anyone really. Cause I can get quite nasty when I feel I am being pushed in to a corner or when I think I am not getting the kind of support that I need.

Anyways, so for the concrete goal, I chose (actually not just me, but it's a friend, her hubby n my hubby too) to run a 10K in August. So this friend of mine... M n I are training with the help of an App. I don't know the name of the App right now. Will look it up and post it here. And the good news is that we are on week 2. Though I must say, today was killing! I have no idea how I completed the training. I think I was dying little by little. My breathing definitely needs to improve for me to do better. In comparision week 1 seems easy... I feel good though.

Now the main problem that I am facing is that I am at home all day long and I cannot help but snack. And I don't just snack... I eat unhealthy stuff. Today was really bad in that department. But I also know the problem. I did not have breakfast today. And I was really hungry by 10:30. I ended up having my lunch at the time. And from then on I kept eating what ever I could find Its 6:45 pm right now and I feel like throwing up. I ate too much. I think I am also realising that sugar isn't great for me. I eat sugary stuff and then an hour later I feel nauseated and I feel very heavy. It is not a good feeling at all. I need to ensure that I have more fruits at home on a daily basis and most importantly have a decent breakfast on time every morning in order to set the right tone for the rest of the day.

The other thing I thought I needed for this plan to work for me is to have some sort of an external support system (seriously aren't I enough???). But I realise that I cannot always count on others to be there for me. Although I have to say that M is a great support, she and I have been struggling with our weight for  sometime now and for different reasons. But she is there whole heartedly for me and I hope to be a similar support system for her. We motivate each other. Apart from her, I need to work on motivating myself and being there for myself. I don't think anyone else can be there for me as much as I can for myself. What do you think?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good progress! How about you not have any snacks at home? especially the unhealthy kind? You should stock more of the natural items and reduce on sugar slowly.

Another thing you should do when hungry is stuff with high water content food like water melon, kheera, etc. This will fill your stomach quickly and is immensely healthy. Also, I read somewhere that if you listen intently to your chewing while eating, you feel full faster. So no music/ TV/ talking during meals.

I am sure all the above advice is easier than week 3! waiting for the app details.