Monday, April 30

N thus the wise owl said....

Finally!!! The pics of the owl I had talked about. The only thing is that, the other day I saw two of them. One is quite shy, it flies away the moment it notices the slightest of movement on our part. The other is the bold one as you can see from the pics...
Also had friends over for dinner on saturday, i cooked and toiled in the kitchen (with a lil help from mom n sim) but in the end it was all worth it (he he)

Thursday, April 26


Well... I made a decision that I would not post another entry till I finished Atlas Shrugged... but then I dont think I will be finishing it anytime soon... I have reached the mental block where in I am unable to read more than three pages at a time (sigh...)

There are just about another 150 pages to go... hopefully I will be done soon.

Actually I decided to post this entry after I spotted an owl on the Mango tree near my bedroom window... I have the pics but am unable to find them... Will post them ASAP

Friday, April 13

It finally happened!!!

Every year, at the start of summer I wait for something to happen....
N this year was no exception... I was waiting to get up to the sound of a "Koel" cooing in the morning. Well it was not exactly morning, but today while watering the plants in the evening I did hear a koel singing :)
So finally summer's happened to me....

Thursday, April 5

Treasure Island...

I've learned that all a person has in life is family and friends. If you lose those, you have nothing, so friends are to be treasured more than anything else in the world.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone, South Park, Prehistoric Ice Man, 1999

Two weeks back I met a friend of mine, T, after four years. We had not spoken to each other much during that gap. We exchanged a few scraps on Orkut and even fewer e-mails and I think we spoke on the phone twice!!! And yet when I met her I was extremely happy to see her and it took us just about the whole afternoon to come out with all the significant and insignificant details of our lives in those few hours. We have known each other for over 20 years now!!! We were never the best of friends. We even fought so many times and over so many things. There was a time when we were barely on speaking terms with each other. But then all these bitter sweet memories have made our relationship stronger than ever.

Besides T there are other two girls whom I have known as long as I have known her. Again, we have never been the best of friends. We grew up together, studied in the same school and were part of the same family circle. I think as long as we were in school our identities were tied to each other. Then as we grew up, we did different things. We made different friends. Friends we chose for our selves because of the similarities we shared. I cherish the new friendships that have come my way. A few of them have significantly changed my life and have made me the person I am today and for that I am grateful.

But these three girls whom I am talking about are different and always will be. With them I share a bond. It’s like when u walk down a road in a strange land with strange people around, anything that is even vaguely familiar would bring a smile to your face and make you at ease. This is what I share with them. As I said we may not all be best of friends, there may not be a lot in common between us, but it is what we have shared that makes the bond so special. And what we have shared together is the most essential of all the experiences in our life – Our Childhood.

Monday, April 2

Solitary Reaper...

In the perfect world, I would have been a free person. Free of any obligations to others, free from pursuing goals and objectives set for me by others and free from acting out of pre-set and pre-conditioned boundaries.

But alas, its not a perfect world out there and the truth is that more you try to alienate your self to be able to set out on that path of “freedom” there is someone all ready to pull you back into the vortex.

The whole point being, when you do those things you do, you begin to expect and that’s where everything goes wrong. (At least for me it does) I want to live a life free of expectations. I thought that I had to a certain extent freed myself from any expectations from others and believe me I have to quite an extent, but then I find that, that extent does not help me from being less hurt. I still feel hurt.

The whole thing makes me feel so stupid sometimes and then the final thought that enters my mind before I go to sleep is – “I should have known better”.