Monday, December 2

Figs and honey

I love fruits and honestly do not understand the kind of people who don't. I mean fruits are awesome and everyone should love them.

Figs happen to be my favourite fruit this tme of the year. I love how they can be such a substantial addition to any kind of meal. I absolutely love them in my salads. They make my salads absolutely delicious. P is loving hung curd these days. We don't get Greek yogurt here and this is his substitute for it. Apparently hanging the curd in a muslin cloth helps in getting rid of a lot of fats and what is left is yummy rich and creamy goodness. I use hung curd for dips all the time. So I decided to use it for something sweet. I also happen to love honey. And curd and honey is an excellent dessert. Healthy too I might add.

So to give it that extra oomph what to I do, add figs in the mix and I get my awesome breakfast on the run!

So it you are interested in the recipe, all you need is

  • A couple of ripe figs
  • Hung curd, about 2 tablespoons
  • And honey... as much as you want
Just put all of them together and that is a great breakfast to have

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah must try hung curd. It's on my to-do list. :)