Saturday, July 16

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

What on earth has made me so lazy???

Is it true that when we have all the time in the world we end up doing absolutely nothing with our lives? Nah it's not a question, rather it is a statement that defines my life!

I have had two years of time... time that I think I have absolutely wasted... I am at home on most days and yet cant stand the word a housewife!!! Gives me the creeps even as I am writing it down.
So what did I do???

I took on a few assignments here and there, in this space of two years and told everyone I am a freelance consultant... and yet I know that these projects were not enough and I should have done more!

And yes I also realise the futility of venting about time that has passed and yet I don't think I have really come to terms with the sheer waste of my life in the last two years. As I write all of this down I have a lot of thoughts speeding through my head and I feel extremely restless...
Actually all of this takes me back to December 2010... I don't think I have really come to terms with all that I had realised about my self, but at the same time I do see some changes in me.

There is so much to do and soon I wont have the time and yet something tells me that this will be the time when I actually start doing things for myself that me will appreciate...

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