Sunday, March 29

Been long...

Wow!!!! It has been long... thanks for reminding me.... Canary

A lot has happened over last few months. But I want to write about the stuff that's been spilling all over the place these days. Moved to a new place; with new people; no job; a house to take care of - I have been going crazy. I have had these insane mood swings and have no idea how my husband... yes HUSBAND (am not even use to the idea of being married yet!!!) has been tolerating me.
He has been extremely patient and understanding.

But I do miss home; mom n dad and my not so little brother.

I also know that if things go back to how they were, I will miss P. So I guess, for now its back to the kashmakash of missing family and getting use to this new life with my loving committed anchor!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kashmakash...So true! LOL!

My thoughts on this would be...

1. HUSBAND has to be very very very patient. Sounds nice, doesn't it? HUSBAND! :D

2. It's a phase where you realize you were probably born with a golden spoon in your mouth. Don't know about others, but I did. Nothing's so easy, so accessible anymore. At least in the beginning of your journey.

3. You have to start from scratch. I mean seriously from scratch, just like your parents, or ancestors who moved to a new place to start a new life. New home, new responsibilities, new people, yes no job even....But patience and hard work pays off. Really!

4. You have to be really aware of the big picture to be patient. Things won't happen overnight. Your parents took years to be where they are now, din't they? So it's really not worth worrying and wasting time over things of the past or the future. Enjoy the present.

Meanwhile, having an awesome partner in crime, uhmmm, give you company in this journey just so so so nice. I'm so grateful for that. :D