Sunday, September 10

Blissfully exhausted...

Adi called up last night and asked me to be at simi's place by 6.30 in the morning, I thought he was nuts... whos gonna get up at 5.30 in the morning and drive 20 kms to treck in the jungle on a SUNDAY morning?????????

Well "me" ofcourse!!!!!!!!!!!!!! coz me a nut tooo (he..he..he)

And it was a morning well spent (i am so happy)..... atleast better than sweating it out on a treadmill. We went to our university. I love the place, there are just too many fond memories. As soon as I enter the campus the time spent during my stay comes hurrying towards me and stays with me till long after I have left....

The whole while we walked (thats adi, siraj, simi n me....) the only things we could talk about was how beautiful the place is and why is it that we dont do this more often. Since the monsoons the place has become quite dense and considering that we could not find the path that led us inside, and it was obvious that not many people had been there in a long time. We had to crawl through (and i mean quite literaly we were on our fours trying to get past the thorny bushes) And as usual we were on the look out for snakes, bees and wasps - the general flora and fauna we usually encounter. In our past adventures we have come across snakes, peacocks and to our amazement a tortise tooo. It was a good thing we didn't encounter anything dangerous this time round. The thorns did enough damage as it is. We climbed the rocks (these are actually mini hillocks and not very easy to climb). Its not funny when you are trying to jump from one rock to another and there is a gap between the two... and the drop is ateast fifty feet down.... But then, when has that ever stopped us (all we need is two guys to pull us up and help us down) .

I think of all the trips we have made up the cascade ( its a brick wall built to keep the water from the lake flooding the rest of the place during the monsoons) around the lake (here is where we do our major crawling and ofcourse all the monkeying around on the trees) and then through the grass lands (thats where we follow the freshly made tracks by the buffaloes - if you know what I mean) finally to the rocky areas ( where we do most of the climbing and show of our athletic.... nah... gymnastic skills)........ This was the best ever.