Sunday, November 24

Into the night...

The week has passed and I feel like I need a break to get over this week. The last four days have been long, but they have been a lot of fun. Need a good night sleep and yet sleep eludes me.

I love this spot in my home, a lovely corner by the window and a plush recliner to relax on. As I relax thoughts flit about and writing comes naturally to me. I have a feeling... this space is going to have a great impact on my future memories.

As I sit tonight, noises from the apartment diagonally across our home come floating in. People are laughing and are having a good time I think. Makes me remember my friends. Is that a smile I feel on my face, yes... that's definitely a smile.

I want to say hey, to my friends, those who read or don't read my blog. Just know that I am thinking of all you guys. And you are so many! I am what I am today because a lot of you have impacted my life. In ways you may not even have imagined.

I am thankful... that I have all of you with me, beside me and more than anything else, I am thankful that you accept me for who I am...

Lots of love!


Anonymous said...

Like :)

Just because you don't talk, doesn't mean you are not remembered... Isn't that what friendship is about.

On a lighter note, it's not like you gave your friends a option :)

Botchtti said...


I am saying the same thing, I just want to let all my friends know that I am thinking of them, irrespective of whether we talk or not :D